An inventive solution to an urgent problem.
EWAAB was born with the idea for an inventive mentorship program, one that created a sustainable and scalable pipeline of diverse and confident future leaders.
There is an urgent problem.
We know that

Diverse companies are more likely to financially outperform their peers,

1.2 M U.S. adults identify as non-binary and 75% of them are between 18-29 years old,

Women hold 47% of all entry level positions in the U.S.,
and yet...

Women make up only 28% of the STEM workforce,

Only 24% of C-Suite positions are held by women, and

48% of women in STEM jobs report discrimination in the recruiting and hiring process.
This issue is only exacerbated for women of color who make up 37% of women in the U.S., but only comprise 3.2% of Fortune 500 Company Boards and 11.9% of managerial roles.
*Significant data does not yet exist for non-binary folks.*

We have an inventive solution to fix it.

BRIDGE: a mentorship program that works to not only build a bridge between students and their future professional field, but gives them the tools, experience and encouragement they need to cross it.
What makes our solution unique?
Our curriculum was intentionally designed with the future in mind. Students not only interact with professional tools in theory, they put them into practice. All in a supportive environment that increases confidence and connection.

72% of college women reported that they need greater encouragement from others in order to believe in their own potential to be leaders. Our two-tiered mentorship system and multi-national student network supports and encourages our students to step out of their comfort zone and rise up.

Nearly 3 in 4 employers say they have a hard time finding graduates with the soft skills their company needs. Our innovative curriculum employs deep learning strategies to ensure students are not only introduced to these skills but they have an opportunity to use them in practice.

86% of women reported when they see more women in leadership, they are encouraged to be leaders themselves. Eager volunteers and dedicated corporate partners allow our students to form meaningful connections with senior professionals in a variety of career fields.