We are excited to be welcoming in a new cohort of first- and second-year students who are ready to grow their confidence and develop their professional skills. Learn more about the full cohort here.

Texas A&M
Chemical Engineering
Why do you think mentorship is important?
I believe mentorship is important because it is beneficial to have someone/an organization that knows more information and has more connections in a field where the mentee may not know anything at all. Mentorship is also important because not only can your mentor be there to help you in your career, but they can be there as a person, group or organization for you to lean on when you go through or need help with anything, whether it is career related, or not.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
I am very passionate about women in STEM, more specifically, engineering. I did a research project about the discrimination that women face in engineering, so to say that this program excites me, is an understatement. I like to use being a Hispanic woman as motivation to do my best.